Life Aboard

10 Health Benefits Of Sailing

10 Health Benefits Of Sailing

Discover 10 surprising physical and mental health benefits of sailing! Learn why sailing is good for you and why it should be part of your lifestyle.

Boat Work in Covid-19 Lockdown

Boat Work in Covid-19 Lockdown

The Covid-19 virus hit Spain pretty hard and the country went into lockdown. I got some boat work done, had to self isolate and did some weekend sailing before getting ready to finally set off for the season.

Reflections About The First Sailing Trip

Reflections About The First Sailing Trip

Writing the story from the beginning makes me reflect about how far I have come as a skipper, a sailor and as a person. I learned more in a year than I would in a lifetime in my previous life.

Moving Onboard to Start Sailing Around The World

Moving Onboard to Start Sailing Around The World

It’s crazy to think about it. Just a little more than a year ago I left Norway and moved onboard Ellidah. In one way it feels like a lifetime, in another way it feels like yesterday.

After I made the decision to buy a sailboat to go sailing around the world it seems like time has gotten a different shape.